In a world where online shopping and card payments prevail, people usually find it stressful to have to resort to cash or check payments. With anything and everything being available to be purchased at the click of a button, it is important that schools find solutions to adapt to these demands. Schools have always offered many services to parents and guardians, and the process of collecting cash payments is time-consuming and risky. By adopting a solution like WisePay, schools are able to collect payments easily, quickly and safely.
Trip Management and Payment Service
Educational trips and visits are something that requires not only large payments, but also a lot of attention and management. With WisePay, we want to help schools save time in any possible way. So, apart from being able to collect payments for a school trip, you can also access any information related to the trip through the Trip Management and Payment Service. All the data you need is centralised in a single system and can be accessed easily on mobiles, tablets and online.
When setting up payment for a school trip, there are many options that your school can set up for parents and guardians. It is possible to pay the fee in one go or in instalments, deposits, bursaries, or zero payment where applicable. This way, the service becomes more accessible and accommodates everyone by giving more options.
Register of Interest
Another time-saving tool that integrates with WisePay is the Register of Interest service. Once published, parents and guardians will be able to locate this within the Educational Trips and Visits service. This is a quick and intuitive way to maximise your event and club attendance. There is also the option to join a waiting list.
The service also reports the data of whoever has expressed their interest or has been added to a waiting list. It is displayed in chronological order, and it is useful to get an idea of numbers before planning a trip.
Through our educational trips service, you will be able to streamline your processes and make the process of planning a trip easy. Find out more or contact our friendly team to book a demo!