Clarendon Primary School is a thriving, vibrant, single form entry community school located in the heart of Ashford which caters for children from 2 to 11 years of age. As a school, they have the children’s best interests at the heart of everything they do and aim to provide a happy, secure, inclusive and stimulating environment in which every child is valued and their efforts celebrated so that the best possible outcomes are met throughout their primary school journey.
Initial reaction was that Tali was going to be a better solution for us. Tali was more of an established financial package, with more financial based reporting.
How would you describe the communication from both WisePay and Tali throughout the transition process?
Communications from WisePay and Tali were great, especially when explaining each step of the way. There is plenty of support and ‘how to’ guides in Tali, and a really good online chat, although our initial support will still be via Wisepay.